When Shanghai Metro Temple came to be, members Devyn Lynch, Pat Edler, Justin Stasio, and Kevin Graf were looking for an escape. With career futures uncertain due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a shared childhood passion for music, this group of Colorado boys took a chance on a dream and rocked their first year with global streaming numbers in the 10s of thousands. In that time, Shanghai Metro Temple has sold out multiple Denver venues and even opened for DIPLO cementing their reputation for success. Join them on an escape from the ordinary through driving choruses, meaningful lyrics, and rocking solos.

You always level up when it comes to new music! Please tell us how you continue to do that?! 

Absolutely! You have to take time to relax in-between releases but also take all the feedback you got from the last one to make the next one even better!

Are you on cloud 9 when the music is out and you get to hear your fans’ feedback?

It’s such a fulfilling experience, yes. Getting to hear both positive and critical feedback on our music helps us to continue to stay relevant and grow and learn as a band. SO many great ideas have come from our friends, family and fans and we couldn’t be more thankful for the support!

 Are you present to enjoy all the fruits of your labor or are you on to your next project? 

Right now, we are enjoying this release but we are also onto our next single which should be coming out soon! It’s a non-stop kinda thing being in SMT, part of being a smaller band and we really love it.

 Taking on all that you do as an artist, what has been the most exciting part of making this new music? 

After our album came out earlier this year we really wanted to release something else and I think it was just everyone really excited to work with our producer Taylor Hahn out of Hahn Audio here in Denver. It’s always really exciting and it helps keep us passionate about the project..

 As you rise in your career, and level up with your new music. What is keeping you grounded?

 Spending time with friends and family and taking an occasional break really helps keep us going!

 Where and how do we get to continue to support all that you do? 

We are most active on our instagram if you’d like to keep up to date with us on social media. If you’re not big on that come see a show or stream us! You can find all of our music on our website for free or you can stream us on any platform you’re subscribed to. We really appreciate all the support and are super friendly so don’t hesitate to message us any time!

Please lend us some insight to what you want fans to take from your journey so far as a musician and what it means to you as they continue to support your new music? 

This has been a huge learning experience for all of us, we are humbled by the amount of support and opportunities that have been given to us. We just want to thank anyone who listens because it’s really a dream for us to one day be able to do this full-time






