PJ Far-West Selecta Captivates with “Disappointed”

PJ Far-West Selecta

PJ Far-West Selecta’s latest single, “Disappointed,” is a masterful blend of poignant lyrics and mesmerizing reggae rhythms. This track stands out with its emotive delivery and rich instrumental layers, making it a compelling and memorable listening experience.

As a musician and home producer with over 40 years in the music world, PJ Far-West Selecta’s dedication to creating an analog, “old” sound is evident in “Disappointed.” Influenced by a love for dub, reggae, and ska, PJ’s music brings a nostalgic yet fresh atmosphere that beckons listeners to turn up the volume and put on their dancing shoes.

Having played in various bands during the 80s and 90s and becoming more active again in recent years, PJ Far-West Selecta continues to captivate audiences with her authentic and heartfelt musical style.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM | PJ Far-West Selecta’s “Disappointed” on Spotify.

CONNECT WITH | PJ Far-West Selecta: Spotify

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