Kevin. Stuff. And Things. unveils “Surrounded” – A mesmerizing journey

kevin. stuff. and things.

Kevin McDonald, known by his artistic moniker “kevin. stuff. and things.,” introduces “Surrounded,” a single that captivates with its ethereal soundscapes and introspective lyrics. This high-energy, elevated pop track, evocative of The Cure and Harry Styles, features frenetic drums and flowing bass and keyboard lines, promising listeners an immersive experience.

After turning his back on music post-college, Kevin returns with renewed vigor, crafting his debut album, “(dis)connected,” entirely from his Denver home. “Surrounded” is the centerpiece of his sophomore effort, “The Day Was Unremarkable,” a 6-song EP professionally mixed by Dan Konopka of OK Go fame.

This track not only showcases Kevin’s songwriting prowess but also reminds us that dreams have no expiration date. Dive into “Surrounded,” let the atmospheric production and emotive vocals inspire you, and find yourself air-drumming along to this mesmerizing anthem.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM | Kevin. Stuff. And Things’s “Surrounded” on YouTube.

CONNECT WITH | Kevin. Stuff. And Things: Instagram

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