Getting To Know Rapper, 2 Four With A Game Of “This Or That” !!!

Hi, 2 Four! Great to have you here!

We are playing “this or that” today, so let’s get started!

Thank you for having me let’s do it!

Movie or book? 


Netflix or Hulu? 

Gotta go Netflix

Make food or order take out?

Make food

City or nature? 


Art or history? 

Two of my favorite things. Let’s go art.

Plan it or wing it? 

Wing it

Coffee or tea? 

Coffee for sure

Be invisible or read minds?

Read minds

Write songs or record songs? 

That’s not fair at all but I say write

Please tell our readers where they can follow you! 

You can find my music on all platforms and you can follow me on IG and Twitter @2fourworld and can check out my website at

Thank you for your time!

Thank you so much!

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