Cosmic Roots Music ‘s “Weight Up” is an alternative jazz single with live instrumentation and introspective (yet relatable) lyrics about a mundane career path.
As piano keys, drum loops, and other wind percussions come together, the song tells a story about the frustrations of working a 9 to 5. Although people work pretty long hours, the compensation is never enough.
Lines like “Feeling broke is no joke, man I swear to God/Even though I work hard really on my job” showcase how unfair it is to grind endlessly and get little to no money in your bank account.
To combat this feeling of powerlessness, Cosmic Root Music vows to change the situation by “getting their weight up.” By never losing sight of what’s important, they can obtain their goals easily. The song also teaches listeners that giving up is never an option. Perseverance and hope will get one even closer to their dreams.

The theme in “Weight Up” accentuates the power of always being optimistic and ready to take on any challenge.
“Moving forward to the scrilly/Progress to a billi,” one member of Cosmic Roots Music raps along with “It’s been my passion for so long/For me to go on and sing my song/I’ve battled through all these years/I’ve struggled through all these tears/Was sitting and wondering and searching for this yearning to go on and find my call.”
Overall, “Weight Up” encourages people never to give up when the going gets tough. Instead of throwing in the towel, Cosmic Roots Music pushes you to follow your dreams. With enough effort and time, it will become a reality.